تم فتح باب الاعتماد للنسخة السابعة 
واقع آخر
( 2019 )
مسابقة الأفلام الوثائقية الطويلة |
 الألمانية, العربية, الفارسية |
 98 د

نبذة عن الفيلم

في مُدن ألمانيا الكُبرى، تصبح العائلات التي تعيش خارج إطار القانون، كأنها موجودة في عالم موازٍ للواقع. يرصد هذا الفيلم الوثائقي رجالًا بلحى طويلة مُشذبة، وعضلات منتفخة، وسيارات ضخمة. يسمحون للجمهور برؤية ما في داخل منازلهم، لمشاركتهم أحلامهم عن العالم. تصبح الحياة هنا أغرب من الخيال، على إيقاع موسيقى "راب" العصابات، وأنماط الاندماج الجديدة التي يتخيلها هؤلاء البشر. يحكي "واقع آخر" حال مجموعة من الشباب يسائلون أنفسهم وواقع حياتهم.


نويل دِرنيش، أولي فالدهاور


تانيا جيورجيفا فالدهاور

شركة الإنتاج

إليماج بيكتشرز


نويل دِرنيش، أولي فالدهاور، يورج أوفر، تانيا جيورجيفا فالدهاور

التصوير السينمائي


جيسا ياجر


طاقم العمل

جهات الاتصال

المزيد عن الفيلم

Berlin, Essen, Oberhausen, it doesn’t matter where in Germany – in the shadows of metropolitan areas, right underneath the public control system gangs and family-clans control whole urban districts in Germany. They earn their money with procuration, drug dealing and pressing protection money. Most of them live their life as a German imitation of American Hip Hop Gangsters and are really influenced by music, it isn’t just their daily grind but also their definition of honor and morals. What drives young people in Germany towards organized crime? How can it happen that teens who are born and grow up here in Germany have no need for affiliation and no obligation to the general system and way of life but instead withdraw into an isolated mini-society? Did we loose any connection to each other or didn`t we ever had one? Another Reality is a character-driven documentary which provides a real insight into the life in criminal gangs in Germany, meeting our young protagonists by heart and letting them show us their dreams, their present and their future.


تانيا جيورجيفا فالدهاور

شركة الإنتاج

إليماج بيكتشرز


نويل دِرنيش، أولي فالدهاور، يورج أوفر، تانيا جيورجيفا فالدهاور


جيسا ياجر

المزيد عن الفيلم

Berlin, Essen, Oberhausen, it doesn't matter where in Germany – in the shadows of metropolitan areas, right underneath the public control system gangs and family-clans control whole urban districts in Germany. They earn their money with procuration, drug dealing and pressing protection money. Most of them live their life as a German imitation of American Hip Hop Gangsters and are really influenced by music, it isn't just their daily grind but also their definition of honor and morals. What drives young people in Germany towards organized crime? How can it happen that teens who are born and grow up here in Germany have no need for affiliation and no obligation to the general system and way of life but instead withdraw into an isolated mini-society? Did we loose any connection to each other or didn`t we ever had one? Another Reality is a character-driven documentary which provides a real insight into the life in criminal gangs in Germany, meeting our young protagonists by heart and letting them show us their dreams, their present and their future.