تم فتح باب الاعتماد للنسخة السابعة 


Directed by Thomas Morgan (Waiting for Mamu) and executive produced by Academy Award® – winner Susan Sarandon (Dead Man Walking). Soufra follows the inspirational story of intrepid social entrepreneur, Mariam Shaar – a refugee who has spent her entire life in the Burj El Barajneh refugee camp south of Beirut, Lebanon. The film follows Mariam […]


»زاما« هي أفلمة سينامئية لرواية الكاتب األرجنتيني أنطونيو دي بينيديتو، التي تحمل األسم نفسه والصادرة عام 1956 ، َ وتتخذ من أمريكا الجنوبية املستعمرة من قبل الغزاة األسبان يف نهاية القرن الثامن عرش مرسحاً ألحداثها. يجسد املمثل املكسييك دانييل كاتشو، شخصية دوين ديجو دي زاما، وهو مسؤول خائب يعاين من إزدراء اآلخرين، ويعكس اىل حد […]


The National Pyrotechnic Festival in Tultepec, Mexico is a site of festivity unlike any other in the world. In celebration of San Juan de Dios, patron saint of firework makers, conflagrant revelry engulfs the town for ten days. Artisans show off their technical virtuosity, up-­and-­comers create their own rowdy, lo­fi combustibles, and dozens of teams […]


A failing restaurant owner hires a young Syrian refugee he finds sleeping in the inner yard of the restaurant, in this Silver Bear–winning dramedy from acclaimed Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki. One of the giants of European cinema, Aki Kaurismäki has long been a rigorous advocate for those left behind, either by economic vicissitudes, accident, or […]


A 50 year old housewife Manana took a decision to make her dream career, writing, come true – the thing that she sacrificed to the family. Relying on the contents of the book, Manana seems to foresee an upcoming threat – troubles, resonance, an aggression which will follow the edition of the book, firstly from […]