El Gouna Film Festival Now Accepting Press Accreditation Requests

Tue Oct 06, 2020


El Gouna Film Festival (GFF) has the pleasure to announce that its Press Office is now accepting press accreditation requests for the 4th edition of the festival.

Accreditation requests will be accepted from publishing journalists, photographers, TV reporters and crews, radio reporters and crews, online reporters and crews, news agency correspondents, as well as PR agents for the films being screened at the festival.

Throughout its first 3 editions, GFF received over 2,800 pieces of press coverage and over 3.3 billion reach across different social media platforms. The 3rd edition of the festival attracted the participation of 720 international filmmakers, buyers, distributors and sales agents, and 700 accredited local, regional and international media representatives.

The goal of the Press Office of El Gouna Film Festival is to facilitate the application process, and to make it as convenient and efficient as possible for accredited press and media personnel who will cover the festival screenings and events of the 4th edition of GFF.

Requests for press accreditation will be accepted through www.elgounafilmfestival.com

For inquiries, please email GFF’s Press Office at press@elgounafilmfestival.com

About El Gouna Film Festival

One of the leading festivals in the MENA region, GFF aims to showcase a wide variety of films for a passionate and knowledgeable audience, while fostering better communication between cultures through the art of filmmaking. Its goal is to connect filmmakers from the region with their international counterparts in the spirit of cooperation and cultural exchange. The festival is committed to the discovery of new voices and strives to be a catalyst for the development of cinema in the Arab world, especially through its industry segment, CineGouna Platform.

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